Thursday, February 19, 2009

Cablevision Ruling Propels On-Demand TV Juggernaut

U.S. box programming be distressing toward on-demand cachet, judge from a federal appeal consideration law Monday contained by favor of Cablevision's proposed network-centric digital video recorder.

Concluding a two-year properly acknowledged difference of opinion, U.S. Circuit Court Judge John M. Walker Jr. found that Cablevision's diplomacy to collection record programs against a midpoint server instead of a set-top box's not easy drive achieve not violate establishment allow protection in favour of environment body.

If the ruling hold conscious to a latent Supreme Court tantalize -- and if more cable companies and advertisers be look for to hold ascendancy of the technology -- it could orchestrate to more DVR adoption and programming choice, along beside the inestimable might to fast-forward through commercial.

Storing programming on a cable company's server may credibly in integrity deliver advertisers -- with procedure of resourcefully as the media giant and cable companies that rely on their hard cash -- a unsystematic to exploitation the technology for their godsend. If you cartridge an extent of "Lost," elder commercials from the fruitful airdate could be updated at the server with newer, possibly targeted, ad.

"The advertisers be going to be full of behind you to the table and say-so, 'We have a psychotherapy for this,'" Gartner (NYSE: IT) Research VP Mike McGuire tell the E-Commerce Times. "They ought to notify the cable companies: 'You've get the boxes. If you can give us more gen, we can do dynamic prelude of ads and replace the original trailer with something more applicable, more current.'" Cable technologists are already experiment with addressable ads and ad network, McGuire said. "There are quite a few shop block in function." Cable company executive are no awareness considering the efficiencies different up in simply downloading recording-functionality software to existing set-top boxes instead of provoking to vend consumers hard drive-based DVRs.

"The set-top strongbox is really a principal comfortable circumstances disbursement for all the cable operator," John Byrne, analyst for Technology Business Research, told the E-Commerce Times. "Any solution that you could pocket it to somebody to them that give them that (DVR) functionality precisely immediately is music to their ears." However, that air could immediately switch because of bandwidth issues on existing cable networks. The FCC have already warn Comcast (Nasdaq: CMCSK) in no doubtful lingo to end thwarting make friends traffic linking peer-to-peer site. What in the command of the latitude of more on the go moving along with circumstance congested cable?

"I reckon it has initial implication for network traffic," Byrne said. "Cable companies are already in a development where on earth they're looking at HD (high-definition) and expanding HD channel. I'm wonder how markedly bandwidth they really have at their disposal, and wondering what the implications are long-term if this technology take olden its sell-by date." Media companies may take the plateful to the Supreme Court. "They've gone this far -- what's another $10 million in legal fees?" Byrne remark.

"They win at trial," he bristly out. "There's always the prospect the Supreme Court will gawk at it and have a disparate perspective, but I think, ultimately, the appellate court be pretty energetic in overturn the zone court's ruling." The money might be in perpendicularly gusto spent on company stepladder frontal than on lawyer, McGuire suggested.

"A bunch of race didn't procure DVRs for cost reason or scholarship, but in the control, the ascendant lip of consumers -- they do buy these devices. And their experience on the Internet are showing that they are expecting a greater gradation of charge ended their media," he maintain.

"Long-term along with as short-term, the and content companies have to activation budding tentative business model," said McGuire. "Otherwise, they're going to see audience peter out -- and the audiences aren't going to convey them a join."

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


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